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British Chihuahua Club Rescue Association
Registered Charity registration number 1094417

Frequently Asked Questions

Do we acknowledge receipt of Adoption Registration forms?
No - due to the high cost of postage, which comes out of Rescue funds, we do not acknowledge receipt of Adoption Registration forms unless accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope.

Do we have places where rescue dogs are held for people to come and see and choose?
No, dogs are usually rehomed directly from their relinquishing owner, except in emergency cases where the dog might have been fostered for a few days in an Association member's private home.

How long will I have to wait before being offered a dog?
We have far more applicants than we have dogs available, therefore a time-scale cannot be given.

How is the waiting list operated?
Not on a first-come first served basis but rather by trying to match an available dog with the most suitable home for that particular dog. You will be contacted with details of the dog and if you feel that you could provide a happy home, a member of our Association will contact you to make an appointment for a home visit, prior to you being offered the dog for adoption.

How much will I have to pay?
There is no set charge for rehoming dogs.  There is a £25 administration fee payable in advance when you relinquish a dog for rehoming, which is to help with our costs such as mileage when collecting them and other expense.  There is also a space on both the Adoption and Relinquishment Forms for a voluntary donation to our charity, if you wish to do so.  There can be very high costs involved in rehoming if the dog requires chipping, neutering or other veterinary attention, and for its care during any period of fostering.  We rely entirely on donations and legacies to meet our costs.

What happens if things do not work out?
We are always there to give help and advice but, in the event of an unhappy situation or a sudden change in circumstances, we will arrange to take the dog back and rehome elsewhere.

FINALLY - Should you be lucky enough to acquire a Chihuahua from another source PLEASE contact us so that we can take you off our list, thus saving us time and expense - many thanks.

All Artwork and Content is Copyright © 2003-2024 by The British Chihuahua Club and may not be linked to or used elsewhere without written permission.